
Friday, February 24, 2012

Kindergarten News Feb. 27-March 2

Word Work:  20 Basic Kindergarten Words
Phonemic Awareness:  Blending Phonemes
Read Aloud:  Daisy Head Mayzie
Concept:  Beginning, Middle, End
Activity:  Create a headband
Math: 7-10  Penny
Read:  Pennies
Independent Practice:  A Pretty Penny 7-10
Activity:  Use a paper plate to create a penny
Homework:  Get a handful of change from an adult at your house.  Sort and count the pennies.            

Word Work: 20 Basic Kindergarten Words
Phonemic Awareness:  Blending Phonemes
Read Aloud:  Fox in Socks
Concepts:  Retelling
Activity:  Create wacky socks for Wednesday
Math:  7-10 Penny
Read:  Pennies
Independent Practice: Penny Worksheet 7-10 and penny rubbings
Homework:  Tell an adult the name of the president found on the front of the penny.
Wednesday…WACKY Wednesday
Dress in your wackiest clothes!!!!!
Phonemic Awareness:  Blending Phonemes
Word Work:  at words
Read Aloud:  Cat in the Hat
Concept:  Beginning, Middle, End
Activity:  Create hats and bow ties
Math:  7-11 Nickel 
Read:  Nickels
Independent Practice:  Worksheet 9-6 (counting nickels and pennies) and nickel rubbings
Homework:  Explain to an adult what president is on the front of the nickel.
Word Work:  og words
Phonemic Awareness:  Blending Phonemes
Read Aloud:  Would You Rather Be a Bullfrog?
Craft:  Paper plate frog
Math:  7-11 Nickel
Read:  Nickels
Large Group:  Use coins to count out values using nickels and pennies
Independent Practice:  Worksheet 9-7 (coin count)
Homework:  Show an adult how to make 6, 8, and 9 cents using nickels and pennies.

Read:  Green Eggs and Ham
Cooking Activity:  Create green eggs and ham
Math:  7-12 Dime
Read:  Dimes
Independent Practice:  Dime Search
Homework:  Get another handful of change from an adult.  Sort out pennies, nickels, and dimes.  Explain how each coin is different from the others.
Notes from the Teacher:
*ALL KINDERGARTEN STUDENTS need to bring a clean pair of white socks to school on Monday, February 27.  These socks will be decorated for a craft activity on Tuesday.
*Throughout the week, we will celebrate the birthday of Dr. Seuss with a variety of activities from his books. 
*20 Basic Kindergarten Words:  of, the, was, he, it, is, with, be, as, they, for, a, on, at, and, that, in, to, are, you.  Please practice these words at home with your child and encourage him/her to use them when writing.
Mrs. Jenison and Ms. Markwardt

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Kindergarten News Feb. 20-24

Word Work:  and, go
Phonemic Awareness:  Blending Phonemes
“Oodles of Noodles”
Play:  Listen and Count (sounds in words)
Read Aloud:  Peace and Quiet
Concept:  Beginning, Middle, End
Create a story circle on promethean board
Math: Time to the Hour
Independent Practice:  Practice with Judy Clocks
Draw the Hour Hand pg 21
Homework:  Show an adult at home which hand is the hour hand.

Word Work: and, go
Phonemic Awareness:  Blending Phonemes
Read Aloud:  The Mitten
Concepts:  Retelling
Math:  Minute and Hour hand
Read:  Scaredy Squirrel
Independent Practice: Judy Clocks
Pg 22 Draw Both Hands on the Clock
Phonemic Awareness:  Blending Phonemes
Word Work:  at words
Read Aloud:  The Hat
Concept:  Compare stories
Activity:  Create a Venn Diagram
Math:  Telling Time 
Read:  The Grouchy Ladybug
Independent Practice:  Judy Clocks
Identifying time on a clock
Homework:  Explain to an adult what the ladybug in today’s story wanted to do.
Word Work:  an words
Phonemic Awareness:  Blending Phonemes
Read Aloud:  The Snowman
Craft:  snowman necklace
Math:  Digital Time
Independent Practice:  Practice 9-4
Homework:  Write 5 an words at home.

Read:  Mr. Lewis comes in to read Stranger in the Woods to kindergarten
Activity:  Create bird feeders
Math:  7-9 More Time and Less Time
Read:  Hare and the Tortoise
Activity:  Time Comparison
Homework:  Find a good place outdoors to hang your birdfeeder.
Notes from the Teacher:
*Our playground has become quite wet and muddy with the warmer weather.  You may want to send an extra pair of gloves/mittens and socks to school with your child.
*Thank you to our parents who planned and hosted our Valentine Day parties!
*Kindergartners  are now expected to know how to tie their shoes.
*20 Basic Kindergarten Words:  of, the, was, he, it, is, with, be, as, they, for, a, on, at, and, that, in, to, are, you.  Please practice these words at home with your child and encourage him/her to use them when writing.
Mrs. Jenison and Ms. Markwardt

Monday, February 13, 2012

February 13-17

Word Work:  I, see, my, like, at, an
Phonemic Awareness:  blending phonemes “Notice”
Read Aloud:  Counting Noodles
Concepts:  beginning, middle, end
Math: Time
7-6 Morning, Noon, and Night
Independent Practice:  Morning and Night, As Different As Night and Day
Homework:  Tell someone at home one thing you do during the day and one thing you do at night.  Practice your sight words and read 15 minutes.
Word Work: I, see, at, an, my, like,
Phonemic Awareness:  blending phonemes play Listen and Count
Read Aloud: 10 Little Puppies
Concepts: beginning, middle, end
Math: Time
Discuss numbers on a clock
Independent Practice: Numbers on a clock worksheet
Valentine Party 2:15
Homework:  Tell someone at home the numbers on a clock and where they are located.  Practice sight words and read 15 minutes.
Word Work: I, see, go, an, at, is, my, like, to
Phonemic Awareness: blending phonemes “Going, Going, Gone”
Read Aloud:  Let’s Count
Concepts: short a words
Math:  Time
Read Clocks and Calendars
Discuss all the parts of a clock
Homework:  Tell someone at home the different parts of a clock.  Make a list of 5 at words and 5 “an” words.

Early Out 1:35
Word Work: I, see, go, an, at, is, my, like, to
Phonemic Awareness: play listen and count with 10 Little Puppies
Read Aloud:  Meet Scott Nash
Concepts:  beginning, middle, end
Read What Time is it Mr. Crocodile?
Independent Practice:  Time to the hour worksheet
Homework:  Answer these questions:  What time is it if the minute hand is on the 12 and the hour hand is on the 3, the 5, and the 11?
Word Work: I, see, go, an, at, is, my, like, to
Assess Theme 5, Week 2
Independent work:  make 10 Little Puppy puppets
Read A Clock Struck One
Independent Practice:  Time to the hour worksheet

Homework:  Write 3 sentences using at least two of the words above and read them to someone at home.
Mrs. Guerrero’s last day in Mrs. Jenison’s room.  Thank you for all you have done.
Notes From the Teacher:
There have been some questions about the homework that is listed on the newsletter at the end of each day.  This is work you are to do at home.  Sometimes, you will need to return the homework to school (writing a sentence) and sometimes the students’ just need to answer a question for you or tell you about a concept that they are learning about at school.
Please continue to send hats, gloves or mittens, and snow pants to school with your child.  There have been numerous children coming to school without them the past couple of weeks.  We do go out three times a day for recess and it is cold without winter clothing.
Mrs. Jenison, Mrs. Guerrero and Ms. Markwardt